Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Shits 3 ( Disturbing Incident Pt.1)

This is a continuation of The Shits 2 (Disturbing Events Pt. 1) and any or all reference should be made to that blog.

Now all that time in the bog had made poor Tattoo very hungry and so he bought some goreng pisang to munch on while trying to hail a cab to go on home. Almost immediately he managed to procure the services of one and so he climbed in and said the now infamous words "Tehlos Piggi". Oh and it should be mentioned that his use of the National Language is limited to say the least.

As the cab driver drove on as instructed towards Tattoo's house he soon became quite agitated as Tattoo noticed. Then Tattoo realised why as the cabbie soon said " Wahhh banyak terror la you! Itu goreng pisang memang busuk sangat tapi engkau masih sanggup makan hah ! To which Tattoo calmly replies " Tahpi Shedap Lahh"

Finally they reach Tattoo's house and Tattoo gratefully pays him before alighting the cab. And then he sees something which scares the living crap out of him which is the fact that there are poo nuggets gently floating in a light brown shit gravy in between the recesses of the seat visible quite clearly. Luckily the cabbie misses it and so Tattoo runs into his house grateful he would not be the next unlucky sodomite to get in that unfortunate cab.

The next day in school he pretends nothing ever happened and even accuses people of spreading vicious rumours about him......what a right cunt....!!

N.B : It should be noted that Tattoo is the fictional name of a real character who happens to be my best friend. He was given the name after we realised he looks exactly like the character played by Hervé Villechaize in the serial Fantasy Island. He is also of the same stature. Tattoo is now an unemployed bum who does odd jobs collecting dung from the farmyards supplying the farmers with manure for their transgenic crop. How ironic. The shitty bastard. On occasion when bi-planes fly by he has been known to run up and down the paddy fields shouting those immortal words "De Plane!" "De Plane!"

Jiwang dei...

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