Friday, April 11, 2008

Day One...

I got into work today and realised what a shity day it's gonna be. So what do I do? Ehmm, why don't I put my displeasure into words and add to my blog.

Should I start by saying how my life sucks and that my boss should be shot dead for staining the earth with his presence or should I be polite and just write bout niceties and how birds chirp and flowers blossom.

Fuck that shit. Who gives a shit bout how I feel today? Ain't gonna change a damn thing if you read this or not. Anyway since we're on that train of thought, why dont you people tell me what gets your juices flowing and what would you like to hear from me. At this point I must warn you I seem to have an opinion on everything, so if you don't mind me fucking up your perception on life, then just drop me a line and I'll endeavor to snip that line of yours and fuck things up.

Shit! The damn fool of a boss is paging me again. Seems I have to hold his hand for everything..Cretin. Anyway till another time.

Jiwang dei.....

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