Of recent a majority of my posts have been disturbing tales associated with my best friend Tattoo. Imagine my utter shock the other day when he actually called me up to say that he had been reading my blog and was utterly saddened and dissapointed that i had actually decided to write about him ! What the fuck is this ? Dead GAY Poets Society ??
He had spent the previous two days it seems locked away in his room crying away about the fact that I, by his overtly sensitive account, betrayed him on some front in telling his stories on the world wide web... What a load of horse shit ! Until now the identity of the cunt remains a big bloody fucking secret and the fact remains.......he was not ever famous before(as in more like no one knew he fucking existed) and he for sure ain't famous now.
So therefore I have decided to write a blog today regarding unwritten man rules for the perusal of that stupid wanker. Being a big girl/sissy he needs (as well as all you fellows out there unsure of your sexuality) to understand that guys have certain priorities and perogatives in life to fulfill.
When a man asks another man what did the hand say to the face and then proceeds to slapping the shit out of that man, that joke clearly violated what we call Man Rule #x. Anytime a joke gets physical, the punch line is most likely two men trying to beat the piss out of each other. A joke doesn't just have to be too physical for it to cross the line and violate Man Rule #x. When a joke gets too personal then it stops being funny and starts becoming the opening arguements to a physical altercation.
By no means is this guide by Sangalli telling men to play fucking nice. Fuck that! men play nice with their kids and to get some poontang from an attractive woman. Men should be tough enough to take a joke. Even a momma joke or two is all within the legal limit of a joke. It's when the momma joke goes way too far and is way too personal is when that man has been disrespected. But if a man is not tough enough to take a joke, then he is too sensitive and not going to find any sympathy from this guide by Sangalli.
The sensitive man is usally the subject to countless jokes because he can't take a joke. Men too sensitive leave a scent like a wounded, crying gazelle. It's only a matter of time until another alpha male like myself, who preys on sensitive men like the lion hunting the wounded gazelle, picks up the scent of a weaker man and makes him the punch line to the next joke time and time again. Because this guide by Sangalli doesn't in any way endorse the sensitive man, the next rule will allow the lion to hunt his prey over and over.
It-'s all fair when making fun of the sensitive guy and exploiting his sensitive weakness as long as the line isn't crossed. Like if i were to talk about indonesia. It's alll a part of the inner Alpha Male taking advantage of the weaker male. That does not mean that's its's only the sensitive man that gets taken advantage of. Any weakness a man exposes can be taken advantage of and be exploited in a joke by another man at any time.
If a man is scared of spiders, then there is nothing wrong with placing a bunch of fake rubber spiders on this man to scare the piss out of him. Watching a man scream like a little girly bitch is always funny and authorized according to man rule#x. One of the greatest parts of being a man is taking the opportunity to burn and laugh at another man. That amn could be your best friend and closest buddy, but if there is a chance to make him look silly and laugh at him doing so, you are just being a man when you do so.
So Mr. Sensitive @ the girl previously known as Tattoo, stop feeling all melancholy. Sangalli's advice to you is this ( which is my advice to all sissy men ) : Go POP a fucking prozac before you go fuck yourself......
Jiwang Dei.......